Home Loan

Fast, Reliable Finance for Your Home or Asset

Purchasing a property is one of the biggest financial decisions you’ll make, and it doesn’t get easier no matter how many times you’ve done it. At Kaya Finance, we guide you through the process step by step, making sure you understand every detail and feel confident in your choices.

We take the time to have in-depth discussions with our clients, creating a personalised property plan that covers:

  • Your maximum loan/borrowing capacity
  • A price budget for your next property
  • The required deposit and income
  • Any expenses that need to be cancelled (e.g., credit cards)

Our Services Include:

  • First home buyers
  • Investment property or new property purchases
  • Construction loans
  • Refinancing for a better rate or cashing out equity
  • Commercial properties
  • Farm purchases

Helping You Plan for the Future

Beyond simplifying the loan process, we’re committed to helping you finalise your home loan before retirement. This means we focus on avoiding unnecessary debt, keeping your finance terms short where possible, and recommending principal and interest instalments for personal homes.

A client’s home loan settled in April 2022 at $1,150,000. With three rate reviews by August 2024, they saved a total of $1,411 per month.

Post-Settlement Support

Our service doesn’t stop once your loan settles. At Kaya Finance, Allen reviews your interest rate regularly to ensure you’re always saving. Over time, this could save you thousands and help you pay off your home loan faster.


How are brokers paid by lenders?
Brokers receive an upfront commission of 0.715% of the loan amount and a trail commission of 0.15%. These amounts are fully disclosed to all our home loan clients.
No. Most lenders pay similar commissions, so the products we recommend are always based on your best interests.
Clawback is when the lender asks the broker to return part or all of the upfront commission if the loan is paid off within the first two years. It means the broker essentially worked for free.
What is the net of offset rule?
Lenders reduce the broker’s commission if there are significant funds in your offset account because they aren’t earning interest on that portion.
In most cases, no. If the application is complex, a fee may be charged, but this will always be disclosed upfront. We also charge a clawback fee if clients repay their loan within two years, but we waive this in cases of financial hardship.

Ready to Finance Your Next Asset?

Let’s Get’s Started Today.
Whether you need a new work vehicle or equipment to expand your business, Kaya Finance is here to help. We’ll guide you through every step of the process, ensuring quick approvals and tailored finance solutions that work for you.